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Motherhood Drawstring Dress (Size M)
Motherhood Drawstring Dress (Size M)
Motherhood Drawstring Dress (Size M)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Motherhood Drawstring Dress (Size M)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Motherhood Drawstring Dress (Size M)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Motherhood Drawstring Dress (Size M)

Motherhood Drawstring Dress (Size M)

Prix normal
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Prix normal
Prix unitaire

Stay stylish and comfortable with our Motherhood Drawstring Dress! The beige colour and drawstring waist create a flattering summer look. Perfect for expecting moms, this sleeveless dress is a must-have for your summer wardrobe.

Fibre Content: 97% Polyester/ 3% Spandex