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89th And Madison Cardigan (Size M)
89th And Madison Cardigan (Size M)
89th And Madison Cardigan (Size M)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, 89th And Madison Cardigan (Size M)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, 89th And Madison Cardigan (Size M)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, 89th And Madison Cardigan (Size M)

89th And Madison Cardigan (Size M)

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Introducing our stunning 89th And Madison Cardigan in rose gold shimmer. With long sleeves perfect for layering, this must-have piece will make you shine bright and look gorgeous. A definite addition to any fashion-forward wardrobe.

Fibre Content: 75% Rayon, 15% Polyester, 10% Metallic