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Northern Reflections Crochet Cardi (Size L)
Northern Reflections Crochet Cardi (Size L)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Northern Reflections Crochet Cardi (Size L)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Northern Reflections Crochet Cardi (Size L)

Northern Reflections Crochet Cardi (Size L)

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Lighten up your wardrobe with our Northern Reflections Crochet Cardi! This adorable cream-coloured cardigan features a button-up front and delicate crochet detailing. Perfect for any occasion, this cute and versatile piece is a great cover for any outfit. Made of a comfortable cotton blend, with long sleeves for all-day comfort. 

Fibre Content: 60% Cotton/ 40% Acrylic