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Watercolour Shark Bite Tunic (Size M)
Watercolour Shark Bite Tunic (Size M)
Watercolour Shark Bite Tunic (Size M)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Watercolour Shark Bite Tunic (Size M)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Watercolour Shark Bite Tunic (Size M)
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Watercolour Shark Bite Tunic (Size M)

Watercolour Shark Bite Tunic (Size M)

Prix normal
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Prix normal
Prix unitaire

Stay stylish and cool with our Watercolour Shark Bite Tunic. The soft watercolour print in shades of pink, purple, and soft yellow adds a touch of femininity, while the shark bite hemline and side slit keep things trendy. Perfect for staying breezy on warmer days.

Made in Canada

80% polyester/20% rayon