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Accessories...the icing on the cake of EVERY outfit!  You may not even realize that you are accessorizing even the most basic thing you're wearing.  Your sunglasses, your hair scrunchie, your watch...even your socks are all additions to your outfit.  They may be added for necessity (like keeping your hair out of your face or to tell time) but most times it's to finish you're look.  Jewelry...remember the movie "How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days"...the diamonds were to "frost yourself"...that's exactly what jewelry is doing.  Or think of "Pretty Woman" when she walks Rodeo Drive with her big hat, wide belt, high heels & hat boxes...all accessories to take her outfit over the top.  Is it possible to go over-board - some would say yes.  But look at Iris American business woman who has the biggest & boldest accessories you've probably ever seen...but she has fun, it's her signature statement and it's not hurting anyone.  Given these crazy times, maybe her style is the way we should all be - just have some fun, add some color & pizzazz and rock those accessories!!